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  1. 00look%             around                                      Your staring at the cash register at   the counter of Monte. If you want the   money within the cash register, you     will have to punch in 5 correct numbers.00open%             cash!door!register                          It's locked. You must punch in 5 num-  bers in order for it too open.                                                                                          0015523             !                  20156000 Buckaroo's74,74 You got it right! You walk away with   6000 dollars. Amazing how the babe work-ing at the counter didn't notice you    stealing the money.                     00south!down        !                    50G02,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                02look%             around               90                     Your inside "Monte." Gee, you see no   clothing what so ever, maybe everybody  bought them or they are in another de-  partment. You see a pretty BABE behind  02look%             around                                     the counter. A cash REGISTER sits on    the counter.                                                                                                            02look%             babe!girl!chick                             You stare into her pretty eyes... Aftera few moments, she slaps you!                                                                                           02talk%!chat%       babe!girl!chick                             You tell her your best line:           "Hey baby, I got a cool sports car and  lots of money!"                         She doesn't respond.                    02look%!open%       register!cash        50G00,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                02s!south!down      !                    50G03,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                03look%             around               90                     Your standing in front of the most     expensive clothing store (And the only  one in this town), MONTE. The sliding   motion detector door will open when you 03look%             around               90                     walk in front of the door. In the win- dows you see a sale sign for shorts. A  CARPET on the floor and a lamp POST     lights up the streets. A dead tree with 03look%             around                                     a single LEAF is nearby.                                                                                                                                        03look%             monte!store                                 It's looks like a small place, but theydo carry lots of clothing everyday.                                                                                     03look%             post!lamp!light                             It lights up this side of the street   and invites people to Monte.                                                                                            03look%             leaf!tree!dead                              It's last LEAF of the year is hanging  on the dead tree.                                                                                                       03get%!take%        leaf               1015Single Leaf    74,74  You tug the single green leaf from    the dead tree. You can almost hear the  tree crying as you tug the leaf out.                                            03look%             carpet                                      It's a carpet with a 1 billion dollar  bill engraved on it. It says: "If you   don't not have money, do not enter!"                                            03east!right        !                    50G13,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                03north!up          !                    50G02,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                03south!down        !                    50G04,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                04look%             around                                      Your standing in front of a closed     building. Nothing much around here, but it's sure dark on this street.                                                  04north!up          !                    50G03,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                04east!right        !                    50G14,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                05look%             around                                      There is an old BARN nearby and a      single lamp POST lights up the street.  There are some CHERRIES growing on a    bush nearby the barn.                   05look%             barn                                        It's old and it's a brownish color. Youcan still hear a horse chuckle inside   the barn.                                                                       05look%             bush!cherries                               They look delicious and are fully      grown!                                                                                                                  05eat%!get%!take%   cherries!cherry    0515Cherry Seeds   74,74 You eat the cherries in one chomp. All there is left is seeds.                                                                                                 05climb%!jump%!go%  lamp!post!light!pol20155000 Silvers   74,74 You climb up the pole and you found    5000 Silver coins sitting in a bag on   top of the lamp post! This is your      lucky night Joe!                        05north!up          !                    50G04,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                05east!right        !                    50G10,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                05south!down        !                    50G06,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                06look%             around                                      Your standing in front of Expresso -   MART, a 24 hour food store, but it's    very expensive. A lamp POST lights up   the street.                             06look%             mart!expresso!store                         It looks real popular, but not many    people shop at night like you do Joe.   It's been here for many years and has   been making good business.              06look%             post!light!lamp                             It lights up this side of the street   and Expresso - Mart. You don't see any  traffic lights though.                                                          06north!up          !                    50G05,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                06east!right        !                    50G16,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                06open%!enter%      door!store                                  Just your luck, the store is closed    at night.                                                                                                               07look%             around                                       You see a large CRATE sitting near a  lit lamp POST. You also see a sleeping  POLICE man in the tall grass.                                                   07look%             crate!box                                    It's a large re-enforced brown crate.                                                                                                                         07look%             lamp!post!pole                              It's the only lamp post that lights    up this side of the street.                                                                                             07look%             police!man!cop                               You see a sleeping cop in the tall    green grass. Your wondering why a       cop is sleeping on the grass at night.                                          07pick%!search%     cop!police!pocket                           You search the cop and you find a paperthat says 15523. You wonder what that   means.                                                                          07break%!bash%!open%crate!box!brown      40Pick Axe       74,74  You can't open the crate with your    bare hands, you need a tool to get this crate to open.                                                                  07break%!bash%!open%crate!box!brown    1015Town Pass      74,74  You smash the whole crate with the    Pick Axe and a Town Pass falls out. You place it in your pocket.                                                        07east!right        !                    50G17,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                07north!up          !                    50G06,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                10look%             around                                      Your in the old barn, you see a HORSE  close nearby and a shelf with a locked  BOX on top besides a BOTTLE.                                                    10look%             horse                                       It's a male horse. He looks really     healthy and strong.                                                                                                     10talk%!chat%       horse                                       The horse chuckles at you.                                                                                                                                     10open%!get%!take%  box!locked!case                             The box is locked and there is no key  for it.                                                                                                                 10break%!smash%     lock!box!case      1015Pick Axe       74,74 You smash the box with your hands and  you find a small pick axe inside. You   shove it in your pocket. Ouch! That     smarts.                                 10look%             bottle!can                                  It contains some kind of smelly        purple substance.                                                                                                       10get%!drink%!take% bottle!drink!purple  30               74,74 You drink the purple liquid and you    feel very sick. You fall to the ground  taking your last breath of life..                                               10west!left         !                    50G05,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                11look%             around                                      Your near a store named Bons Goodies.  There is a SIGN and a side DOOR on the  building.                                                                       11look%!read%       sign!note            91CSIGN.PCX      74,74                                                                                                                                                                11look%!open%       door                                        The store is closed. It will open in   a few hours.                                                                                                            11west!left         !                    40Ticket         74,74 The store is still closed, it should   open soon.                                                                                                              11west!left         !                    50G40,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                11south!down        !                    50G13,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                12look%             around                                      Your in the Police Prison Building, butall you see is shooting BOOTHS. You see a heavily armed GUARD, RIFLES and AMMUN-ITION on the small counter.             12look%             booth!booths!shoot                          There are booths for officers to pract-ice firing and adjusting their gun sigh-ts.                                                                             12look%             guard!man!armed                             He looks real tuff with that rifle in  his hands. The muscles on his body showsyou that there's no way you can challen-ge him to a fight!                      12look%             gun!rifle!rifles                            They are the new built kind of rifles  with laser sighting and pump action lo- ading.                                                                          12look%             ammunition!ammo                             It's a whole box of ammunition for     target practicing.                                                                                                      12talk%!chat%       guard!man!person                            "If you want to target pratice then go get a gun and some ammunition and get   in the booths, otherwise, STEP AWAY!"                                           12get%!take%!pick%upgun!rifle!hand     0515Rifle          74.74 You take one of the new model rifles   from the cabinet.                                                                                                       12take%!get%!pick%upammo!ammunition    0515Ammunition Pack74,74 You take a pack of ammunition from the box.                                                                                                                    12north!up          !                    40Rifle          74,74 You need a rifle in hand before stepingin the shooting booth.                                                                                                  12north!up          !                    40Ammunition Pack74,74 You need a ammunition pack in hand be- fore steping in the shooting booths.                                                                                    12north!up          !                    50G65,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                12south!down        !                    50G13,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                13look%             around               90                     Your standing in front of the smallest police prison building. You see a store in the distance. Nearby is an INTERCOM, a broken BOTTLE and a GUTTER. A lamp    13look%             around                                      POST lights up the street.                                                                                                                                     13look%!use%!activatintercom!com!door    50G76,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                13look%             bottle!can!broken                           It's a broken water bottle. The clear  blue water runs down the nearby gutter.                                                                                 13look%             gutter!manhole                              It's a normal white dirty gutter.                                                                                                                              13look%             lamp!post!poll                              It's lighting up the dark street your  on.                                                                                                                     13climb%!jump%      pole!lamp!post                              You climb up the lamp post and climb   back down. Your clothes aren't as clean as there were before. They look yellow, and it stinks!                          13open%             door                                        The door has no handle. Try using the  intercom to get in.                                                                                                     13east!right        !                    50G23,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                13north!up          !                    50G11,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                13west!left         !                    50G03,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                14look%             around                                      Your standing in front of Lucky 5.     It's a bar/casino building. A lamp post lights up this street side.                                                     14climb%!jump%      lamp!post!light                             You climb up the lamp post and climb   back down. You soon find out some green ooze is hanging on your clothes.                                                14north!up          !                    50G51,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                14west!left         !                    50G04,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                16look%             around                                      Your in front of the Comedy HUT. You   see a police CAR parked outside and     several cones blocking this section of  the road. You see a ROSE patch nearby.  16look%             hut!comedy!store                            It's open right now, you can hear the  laughter from out here.                                                                                                 16look%             police!car!blue                             It belongs to a police officer, you    wonder where he is.                                                                                                     16get%!take%        rose!flower!plant  2015Red Rose       74,74 You pick a red rose from the ground. Itsure smells lovely. You can only wish   you can give this to Nancy, your wife asa gift, but you can't find her.         16bang%!hit%!break% police!car!truck     70FX3.COM/f      74,74 You kick the door as hard as you can,  and you didn't make a dent! But you set off the alarm and you hurt your big toe!                                        16north!up          !                    50G30,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                16west!left         !                    50G06,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                17look%             around                                      Your in front of a small TOWN currentlyunder contruction. There is also a LOG  nearby rotting away.                                                            17look%             town!city!small                             It's a very small town under construc- tion.                                                                                                                   17look%             log!tree!hollow                             It's an old log with little tiny bugs  carrying food in and out of log.                                                                                        17east!right!enter  !                    40Town Pass      74,74 A guard jumps out and stops you from   entering. "You must have a Town Pass in ordering to enter sir!"                                                         17east!right!enter  !                    50G27,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                17north!up          !                    50G16,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                17west!left         !                    50G07,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                21go                !                    50G31,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                221                 !                    50g23,74,74      20,30                                                                                                                                                                222                 !                    50G70,74,74      20,30                                                                                                                                                                223                 !                    50G71,74,74      20,30                                                                                                                                                                224                 !                    50G21,74,74      20,30                                                                                                                                                                225                 !                    50G73,74,74      20,30                                                                                                                                                                23look%             around                                      Your in front of Pimp Alley. A very    popular hotel, but dirty. Surrounding   you is a DOOR, a few open WINDOWS, a    lamp POST and a fire HYDRANT.           23look%!open%       door                 50G74,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                23look%             window!windows                              You see two open windows above Pimp    Alley.                                                                                                                  23look%             lamp!post                                   It lights up this side of the street   so you won't get mugged too often.                                                                                      23look%             fire!hydrant         15Lint           74,74 It's a red fire hydrant. You something yellow dripping from it. This must be   for the dogs. Woof.                                                             23lick%!drink%!tastepee!piss!yellow    0520Lint           74,74 You taste the yellow substance from thefire hydrant. It acually tasted kind of good. Nice and warm.                                                            23climb%!jump%on%   lamp!post!pole                              Making sure nobody is looking, you     quickly climp up the post and climb     back down.                                                                      23west!left         !                    50G13,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                23north!up          !                                           There is a door that is blocking your  path.                                                                                                                   23east!right        !                    50G33,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                26look%             around                                      There is a warm burning FIRE nearby    and a young LADY sitting on a log next  to the warm fire.                                                               26talk%!chat%       lady!girl!babe!youn                         "Hello young fellow, I'm really de-    pressed right now, can you please leave me alone so I can cry in peace?"                                                26give%!lady%!girl% red!rose!flower    1015Cookie         74,74"Thanks for the red rose! Here's a      cookie for you to eat as a reward! This cookie was expensive! This rose has     cheered me up!"                         26look%             fire!flame                                   The fire is burning in colors of Red  and yellow.                                                                                                             26west!left         !                    50G16,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                27look%             around                                       You see a BAR and a new apartment     complex building Ask For 'MO. You see   a drunk BUM sitting in the entrance to  Ask For 'Mo.                            27look%             bar!9                                       The place is closed for the night so   there is little chance of having riots.                                                                                 27look%             mo!ask!for!apartmen                          They have the most expensive prices   in town, but their are rooms are like anexpensive home.                                                                 27look%             bum!man!drunk                                He's barely awake but he's totally    drunk from eating some kind of food.                                                                                    27open%!enter%!go%  bar!9                                        The gate is locked. They're not open  at night due to certain riots that take place in the joint.                                                             27enter%!open%!go%  door!ask!for!mo!apa                          You can't enter because of the bum    sitting near the door and you have no   intention of staying in a motel.                                                27talk%!chat%       bum!man!drunk                                "*Hicup* Hey young man, would you likea taste of me NIP? It's really *Hicup*  good shonny boy *Burp*.                                                         27eat%!get%!taste%  nip!food!bag         30               74,74 You taste the nip from the bums bag    of food. After 3 minutes you fall to    the ground in pain...                                                           27west!left         !                    50G17,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                27east!right        !                    50G37,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                30look%             around                                      Your inside the Comedy Hut club. This  place doesn't seem to be so popular,    there are not many people here. You see a BAND playing in this empty place.     30look%             band!drummer                                He looks like a head banger. Right now he's playing a theme song called The    Dorks. Everybody seems to enjoy this    sort of music.                          30south!down        !                    50G16,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                31go                !                    50G61,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                33look%             around                                      You are in a quiet park with a cool    breeze blowing by. You spot a drunk     BUM on a bench, a growing TREE, and a   MANHOLE in the middle of the road.      33look%             bum!person           50G75,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                33look%!open%!take% manhole!cover        30                     You slowly walk up to the manhole      cover and a red sports car zooms by     and flatens you.                                                                33look%             tree!hole            91Tree.pcx       74,74                                                                                                                                                                33get%!take%!pick%upglint!gold!object  1015Pimp Alley Card74,74 You reach in the hole in the tree and  pull out an official Pimp Alley Card.                                                                                   33west!left         !                    50G23,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                37look%             around                                       You see a TICKET booth and a little   BOY running the booth. A single lamp    POST lights up this street side.                                                37look%             ticket!booth!cart                            The little young boy is selling       boat tickets to Virginia City.                                                                                          37look%             little!boy!young                            He looks so young, yet he acts like an intelligent adult.                                                                                                      37look%             lamp!post!pole                               It lights up the street and the ticketbooth.                                                                                                                  37climb%!jump%      lamp!up!post!pole                            You climb up the pole and climb back  down finding out your clothes are now   fairly dirty from climbing up that pole.                                        37talk%!chat%       little!boy!young                             "Hello there traveler! Would you like to purchase a ticket to Virginia City?  At a low price of 6000 Buckaroo's."                                             37buy%!get%!purchaseticket!boat!booth    406000 Buckaroo's74,74 "I'm sorry sir, you must pay me 6000   Buckaroo's in order for me to process   your trip to Viginia City."                                                     37buy%!get%!purchaseticket!boat!booth    40Cookie         74,74 "I'm kind of hungry right now, I'll    give you your boat ticket to Viginia    City once you give me something yummy toeat!"                                   37buy%!get%!purchaseticket!boat!booth  1515Ticket         74,74 "Thank you for your order, and here is your one way boat ticket to Viginia Citysir."                                                                           37west!left         !                    50G27,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                99                                                                                                                                                                                                                             40look%             around                                       Your in Bon's Goodies. You see a bunchof ID CARDS on a rack against the wall  and a NOSE picker on the floor. The     MANAGER stares at you behind the desk.  40look%             id!card!-!cards      91IDSIGN.PCX     74,74                                                                                                                                                                40look%             nose!picker!burger                          It's a giant yellow nose picker for    thoes hard to reach places (Boy, you    sure would get a big nose after using   that contraption!).                     40buy%!get%!take%   nose!picker                                 Are you crazy Joe? You don't need such a thing! The price for this baby is     10,000 bucks (Whew!).                                                           40look%             store!man!manager                           He stares at you waiting for an order  (Considering his very high prices).                                                                                     40talk%!chat%       man!manager!store                           "Hello! Welcome to Bon's Goodies! Wouldyou like to purchase an ID CARD or a    NOSE picker?"                                                                   40buy%!get%!take%   id!card!-!cards      405000 Silvers   74,74  "If you would like to buy these cool  colorful hand made Id Cards, you must   pay me 5000 Silvers, which in your case,you don't have!"                        40buy%!get%!take%   id!card!-!cards    5015Id-Card        74,74 "Thanks for ordering our Id Card! Here is your item and come again soon!"                                                                                      40south!down        !                    50G11,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                41look%             around                                      You nothing of interest except for     CHEEKS, the most beautiful babe you've  ever seen in your life!                                                         41go%in%!sit%!talk% bed!cheeks!babe      30               74,74 What are you thinking of? Have you     forgot about your wife Nancy?                                                                                           41north!up          !                    50G51,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                50look%             around               90                     Your in the casino in Lucky 5. You     see a very attractive BABE standing     next to the change BOOTH and the CARD   table. You see a MALE playing at the    50look%             around                                     table, and a SLOT machine nearby and a  DEALER behind the table.                                                                                                50look%             women!female!babe                           She is standing there is her tight     short leather shirt running her fingers through her hair smiling at you.                                                50look%             change!booth                                All you can see is 2 red eyes behind   the gate.                                                                                                               50look%             dealer                                      He's busy dealing cards and taking     chips at the table.                                                                                                     50look%             man!player!male                             He's winning a lot of money playing    21 Black Jack.                                                                                                          50look%             slot!slots!machine                          It's a button slot machine type.                                                                                                                               50talk%!chat%       babe!women!female                           After telling her your best lines, she respones "Ooo, hi there cutie, what's   your name?"                                                                     50tell%!my%!joe%    name!women!is!joe  0315Cheeks KC      74,74"Ooo, Joe is a seeexy name, my name is  Cheeks. Come by my place under the bar. Here's the key cutie. Be there."                                                50play%!use%        slot!slots!machine                          You have no time or interest in playingthe slot machine.                                                                                                       50talk%             player!male!man                                          No response.                                                                                                                                      50play%!sit%        seat!down!blackjack                         You never knew how to play Black Jack  and you probably never will learn.                                                                                      50south!down        !                    50G51,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                51look%             around               90                     Your in a Lucky 5. A bar/casino        building. The bar looks dead. You don't see any costumers except for a sleeping BUM on the table. A BARTENDER stands    51look%             around                                      behind the counter cleaning the top    waiting for a costumer. Some green DIP  sits on the counter. A TRAP door is     nearby on the floor.                    51look%             bum                                         He's dead drunk sitting on the table   with his green drink sitting nearby.                                                                                    51look%             bartender                                   He looks really bored and waiting for  somebody to order something.                                                                                            51pick%pocket%      bum!sleeping!man                            You pick pocket the sleeping drunken   bum and all you find is lint!                                                                                           51talk%!chat%       bum                                         He try to wake up the bum but all you  can make out is:                                                                 "Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz." 51talk%!chat%       bartender                                   Please go away if your not going to    order anything.                                                                                                         51order%            &                                           You can't order drinks becuase you     have no money to spend.                                                                                                 51get%!take%        dip!green!bowl                              You don't need the green dip since you don't have any chips to go with it.                                                                                     51open%!enter%      trap!door!floor      40Cheeks KC      74,74 The trap door is locked.                                                                                                                                       51open%!enter%      trap!door!floor      50G41,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                51south!down        !                    50G14,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                51north!up          !                    50G50,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                Σ àJWªα╖▄xµ∞Ö²∙?wσO┐σhε_Çm▄┬7Θ£8∩ëSM;└ÉΦ╜ë└c░».    ┐▐▌┴≤mâqß√¥~╘Γ╪5Sx╠æcG╨¥;éô~vC²╔í3ùrѬà╞Γ╚5o╜F¥g>µ[wΩj·GαáüP╥╬¢╖oCΦA 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  16. !_â3φGαΘ┐╪╨¢⌠WP¼═≈ñ₧╜╪σ┬╪-█C·ⁿ┘
  17. gO▒i░fK·Aç)²│<x█1{│ió;@5εΣ`▐ö≈╪▀°ú╦┐εA╡║q█╢τ■¡α┴/à$#Çü$éΩ╤Γ╨╣cO¥-z▄#√ ½{┤H1fWY6║jö%∙∞▓SG≡99ù!╫j°α*¬hç╩╔?3φ<²≥╪┴½├8                                       67s!south!d!down    !                    50G23,74,74      74,74                                                                                      970go                !                    50G22,20,30      74,74                                                                                                                                                                71go                !                    50G22,20,30      74,74                                                                                                                                                                73go                !                    50G22,20,30      74,74                                                                                                                                                                74the%word          !                    50G67,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                74go                !                    50G23,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                74&                 &                    90                      "Your wasting my time foolish boy, nowyour in for it!"                                                                                                        74&                 &                    50G23,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                75look%             around                                      Before you stands a drunk bum sitting  on the bench. You seem to have awaken   him. You see a NEWSPAPER laying on the  bench, and a bottle of WINE in his hand.75look%             wine                                        It's a purple color wine and it doesn'tsmell that great from his bad breath!                                                           Yuck                    75look%             bum!man                                     He looks tired and lonely. Perhaps you can help him with his life somehow.                                                                                     75eat%!take%!get%   nip!food!bag         30               74,74 Yoy taste some of his nip or what's    left in the bag and iot tasted pretty   good. You soon gulp the whole bag of nipand find yourself on the floor....      75drink%!get%!take% wine!bottle!purple                          You drink the purple wine. It burns as it slowly goes down your throat.                                                                                        75look%             newspaper!paper      91paper.pcx      74,74                                                                                                                                                                75give%!lend%!use%  dime!money!coin    1520Dime           74,74 "Thank you kind sir! Now I can finally buy that nose picker I always wanted!"                                                                                  75south!down!leave  !                    50G33,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                76look%             around!intercom                             It's a close up of the intercom to     the police prison building.                                                                                             76push%!press%      buzz                 71fx2.com/f      74,74                                                                                                                                                                76push%!press%      don't!touch          30               74,74 We told you not to touch this button,  but would you listen? Nooooooooo. You   had to touch the button. Now look what  happened!                               76push%!press%      page!officer         50G12,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                76south!down        !                    50G13,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                77look%             around               90                     Your in your room with no bed. They    must be very cheap. You see a lit FIRE- PLACE, a picture hanging above it, a    TELEVISION set in the corner, a PHONE on77look%             around                                      the wall, and lots of BOTTLES sitting  on the shelf. There is also an OUTLET   in the wall.                                                                    77look%             fireplace!fire!plac                         It's burning the logs and dances in    colors of yellow and red. Gray smoke    rises through the chiminey.                                                     77look%             television!tv!set                           It's an old model L television set. A  very cheap set. There is no power switchon the tv!                                                                      77look%             phone!telephone                             It's looks like a new phone. It's one  of thoes see inside models. It's a pay  phone. On the phone, you spot a COIN re-turn and buttons.                       77look%!get%!search%coin!return        0515Dime           74,74 You search the coin return slot and youfind a..........DIME!                                                                                                   77look%             bottle!bottles!wine                         You see many bottles sitting on the    dusty shelf. One wine bottle catches    your eye:                                        "Purple Sweet Wine LAA"        77get%!take%!pick%upwine!purple!laa    1015LAA Wine       74,74 You take the expensive Purple Wine LAA and place it carefully in your pocket   (This is only a game, you can carry a   whole ship if you wanted too).          77touch%!jump%!get% fire!flame           30               74,74 As you touch the fire, the flame runs  through your clothes.                                                                           "TOAST"                 77use%!pick%up%     phone!telephone                             You can't, the buttons are stuck in    place!                                                                                                                  77look%             outlet!wall                                  It's an outlet for plugs to be placed in it.                                                                                                                  77touch%!get%!stick%finger!outlet!wall   30               74,74  You feel a large amount of energy     flow through your blood and body....                                            "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"        77south!down        !                    50G67,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                04south!down        !                    50G05,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                43look%             around                                      Your near the USS PICKLE boat headed   for Viginia City. You should get a      ticket and leave Reno. You can't stay   here forever Joe! It's getting late.    43look%             boat!uss!pickle                              It's a very large boat which is       leaving soon to Viginia City. This boat is taller that lots of buildings and caneasily crush things, even you Joe!      43west!left         !                    50G33,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                43north!up          !                    40Ticket         74,74 A man steps out..                        "I need to see your boat ticket beforeyou can board the USS Pickle."                                                  43north!up          !                    40Id-Card        74,74A man steps out..                         "I need to see your Id-Card before youcan board the USS Pickle."                                                      43north!up          !                    40Single Leaf    74,74A man steps out..                         "Well, I would really hate to leave   Reno and have nothing from this place,  so give me something and you may pass." 43north!up          !                    90               74,74 "Welcome aboard the USS Pickle! I hope you have a safe and pleasant stay on    your way to Virginia City. The restroomsare located near the swimming pool."    43north!up          !                    32                      You board the USS Pickle boat to      Viginia City. You make your way to the  back of the boat and watch the sun slow-ly rise..........                       33east!right        !                    50G43,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                16east!right        !                    50G26,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                16south!down        !                    50G17,74,74      74,74                                                                                                                                                                06south!down        !                    50G07,74,74      74,74